@Earnest - Evidently my memory is not what it was! Maybe I was thinking (?) of the "Legally establishing and defending the good news" booklet we had as "servants". Maybe I should just go and make another cup of tea.
pre elder arrangement.
we had congregation overseer.
when did the society begin publishing the secret “elder” books and training..
@Earnest - Evidently my memory is not what it was! Maybe I was thinking (?) of the "Legally establishing and defending the good news" booklet we had as "servants". Maybe I should just go and make another cup of tea.
pre elder arrangement.
we had congregation overseer.
when did the society begin publishing the secret “elder” books and training..
Back in the 1950's and 1960's, long before the elder arrangement started (1971?) the servants (see Stan above ^^^^) were issued with a booklet "Preaching in Unity", later replaced with "Preaching together in peace and unity" if my memory serves me correctly.
My copy, from the 1960's will be in the loft with more than half a century of similar junk and rubbish.
https://news.bloomberglaw.com/ip-law/jehovahs-witnesses-sue-faithleaks-owners-over-convention-videos .
the watch tower bible and tract society of pennsylvania, which oversees the jehovah’s witnesses, is suing the truth and transparency foundation and its founders ryan c. mcknight and ethan g. dodge alleging copyright infringement..
Is there no place to get all the old literature online anymore? I have been searching around and only finding bits and pieces.
Some years ago I bought a CD on Ebay called "Magazines that motivate". It contained scans of all the WT's up to 1950 plus other early works. There is also the website "Strictlygenteel" which has lots of old publications on line.
i play scrabble all the time.
i guess they are getting rid of any racist type words.
damn, i wonder if i can still use blackface.
Sorry if that is offensive.
i am addressing here those who, like me, spent decades in the organisation that we called “the truth”.
perhaps like me you were brought up in it from an early age.
looking back now i wonder that i could have been so heartless as to believe that the mass slaughter of billions of people was “good news”.
"Give me the child until he is 7 and I will give you the man." - Aristotle.
Brainwashed and indoctrinated from birth, no wonder I never saw through it all.
just wanted to put this out there for any lurkers.. as someone that grew up during the 70s and 80s, we were promised that we would be in the first picture long ago.
if you are still on the fence, please let this sink in for a while..
My parents joined in the 1940's. At least Little George was never going to school in this old system. You should see him now, nearly 80, feels 90 and looks 100!
for those who haven't come across furuli before , he is a 77 year old norwegian professor and is ( or was ) one of the few "scholarly" jws used by the society and used as a source on various matters ( especially 607 bce ).. however recently he has fallen out with the gb and has published an interesting book - like many recent scholarly apologists , he seems to be going down the road of disagreeing with the authority of the gb but still holding that the jws is the one true religion.
kind of "lions led by donkeys".
whether this view will continue is anyones guess.
I wonder if they actually read the book first.
he talks about how a group of 5,000 broke away from the organization due to distrust of government agents infiltrating the jws.
they weren't regarded as apostates, just distrustful.
he uses phrases like "their leader" and "his elders", and how they had a meeting with the governing body and made the decision for all these thousands to reintegrate them into the jws, splitting them up among congregations.
he talks about how a group of 5,000 broke away from the organization due to distrust of government agents infiltrating the jws.
they weren't regarded as apostates, just distrustful.
he uses phrases like "their leader" and "his elders", and how they had a meeting with the governing body and made the decision for all these thousands to reintegrate them into the jws, splitting them up among congregations.
There's quite a lot about this in the 2006 Yearbook. As I remember from comments on here many years ago, many in Romania were also stumbled by the 1962 change of understanding of Romans 13:1, Superior Authorities.
since adam and eve’s fall, we are all sinners.
it’s what we do, there is no way to change it, sinning is a daily part of life.
there are major sins, but most of us commit minor ones everyday in words, thoughts or deeds.
The human race - that you despise - is better now than in any time in history. Our story is one of amazing progress.
An old sister was once having a right old moan to me about how bad this system is since Satan arrived here in 1914. I asked her if she would have preferred to have lived before 1914 without Satan's influence. She would probably have been working in a coal mine or as my female forebears did, a stone quarry, no NHS and no Social Services to keep her in relative comfort in her old age.
She was a bit cool with me for a while after that.